Join the Koop
The Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative membership includes 18 non-profit community service organizations from the Columbia Basin and Boundary regions. By becoming a member, you join a co-operative committed to assisting its social service member agencies to improve well-being in the Kootenay-Boundary region.
As a member-driven organization, we work in accordance with the international principles of co-operatives, as they are the foundation of developing and maintaining a respectful and collaborative organization that meets the needs of our members.
We work together to strengthen the capacity of each member agency through cooperation and collaboration nurtured in a spirit of mutual support and respect.

Benefits of Membership
Member service is a vital part of the Koop. Recognizing that members share some needs in common, but also have unique needs unto themselves, the Koop provides a number of services for members.
Benefits Include Access To:
Preferred rates on minimum charge for the Benefit Affiliate Program, required for access to the Insurance and Benefits offered by the Federation
The Federation of Community & Social Services BC (FCSSBC) professional development events at preferred member rates
Relias Online Training at member rates
Preferred subscription rates for Grant Advance
Shared Web Services program with Pathwise Solutions Inc.
Communications & Information
A variety of strategies are applied to support members in their communications and networking needs. The following list provides some examples of member communications services:
Regular email news bulletins:
- BC Bid and funding opportunities
- Board Voice news
- Koop Council business
- Koop Board business
- HR network resources and training opportunities
- IT network resources and events
- Seniors / Raising the Profile project news
Koop’s Office 365 account
Members can access shared information on policies, procedures and administrative resources.
Koop meetings
Member Council Meetings
The Koop holds an Annual General Meeting plus four general Council meetings each year. Information sharing and networking are essential parts of these meetings. The meetings often include workshops and/or a keynote speaker. Koop members, co-op sector and community partners are regularly invited to attend.

Other Network Meetings
The Koop holds regular Executive Director network meetings which allows for leadership teams from member agencies to meet and discuss common challenges and identify solutions. This promotes a network of support, while being especially helpful in developing creative solutions to address gaps in service.
Truth and Reconciliation Learning Circles
The Koop, in partnership with the Circle of Indigenous Nations Society, hosts Learning Circles in which all member agencies are invited to come to share learnings about what Truth and Reconciliation means to them.
Membership Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for membership in the Koop, an organization must:
- Be a non-profit community-based social sector society registered in BC at least 18 months prior to application,
- Be willing to adhere to the rules of the Koop,
- Commit to upholding the values of the Koop,
- Provide information about its structure, financial viability, programs and services,
- Purchase a $100 share in the Koop, and
- Pay an annual membership fee from $250-$750, based on revenue.
To be eligible for membership in the Koop, an organization must be a non-profit, community-based social service society registered in BC. A copy of the Membership Application Guidelines can be accessed by emailing
Testimonials From Our Members
The [Koop] is the only place that understands how much IT is required to meet our contractors requirements and is willing to take action to move these needs forward.
The organization is very important in acculturating new EDs to the Kootenays and in developing the collaborative approach to social services that have become the norm in the Kootenays in the last fifteen years.
We have benefited greatly from the majority of the trainings and projects hosted/coordinated by the [Koop]. Our capacity as an agency has increased.